Research Paper

Virtual Reality Solving Deportation

1st Paragraph

Deportation is one of the main social problems that third world people are currently facing in the United States. Deportation is a fear and terror that the government imposes on undocumented people.

Virtual Reality will help politicians develop empathy for undocumented immigrants which will in turn lead to a clear understanding of life in third world countries. The hope that they will pass laws and policies that will improved a safer quality life for undocumented people in the United States and prevent families from being broken apart by deportation.

2nd Paragraph

Deportation is a social problem that negatively affects the lives of many undocumented people. By causing stress, fear and anxiety. What we know about the impact of stress is that it can impact an entire family network.

3rd Paragraph

Deportation laws negatively affect undocumented people when a single parent is left in the United States, struggling to make a living.

4th Paragraph

The Economy of the United States would decline if Dreamers were deported to their home country. Because they make positive and significant contributions to the economy, including earning higher wages, which translates into higher tax revenue and economic growth that benefits all Americans.

5th Paragraph

Virtual Reality is a technological invention that brings different dimension to the audience. Computer generated environment which can be explored and interacted with by a person. Virtual Reality can demonstrate the different immersion within this environment and in which is able to manipulate objects or perform a series of actions. can influence those who make the law realize how their choices effects undocumented individuals.

The purpose of Virtual Reality is to provide customers a collective understanding of a 3D world that is not physically present for the user but actually exists. With Virtual Reality we can experience different things other people go through and how it feels to be there. How undocumented individuals face the fear of deportation. With Virtual reality politicians can experience what undocumented individuals go through when they are deported. Politicians could begin to empathize with undocumented individuals’ situation. Politicians understanding undocumented people situation can help stop deportation. By projecting what undocumented people go through in third world countries.

6th Paragraph

One impact of virtual reality is that it makes you empathise,it helps you connect better and gives a clear understanding or feeling of something. It plaints a bigger picture. Therefore, It is more easy for politicians to understand that deporting individuals is not right because politicians would understand what immigrants go through if they were to get deported.

7th Paragraph

According to Stanford VR is known to build empathy therefore if we give politicians VR they can empathize with immigrants and make better policies.

More empathy created through VR will lead to better policy because policy makers will become empathetic with the plight of immigrants. Empathetic policy makers will create laws that will keep families together, and families being together will create a better society.


Stopping deportation with the help of Virtual Reality, people will no longer fear deportation. People not fearing deporting will make their life easier than fearing deportation. In southern causes many people who are not undocumented can go outside with their family and live life with freedom, while undocumented individuals feel that anytime the ICE (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement) can come to them and arrest them for not having a legal status. People not fearing deportation will create a better society and people will live happier and with the freedom to go outside.

Why we should care?

Deportation is an issue that we need to address because many lives are being affected by it and are families could be one of this undocumented people. People need to care about the number of people being deported everyday and how deportation puts an end to their dreams. Deportation is not joke it is a problem that divides the human race into more than 2 groups. It is important to care about the issues happening with deportation because undocumented people are not the only ones being effected. We are all humans and we have the rights to live our lives and not controlled by haters. Virtual reality will be a very useful technology that will help the congress have a clearer understanding of what is it like to live in third world countries, keep families together and have a better quality of life for undocumented people.

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